30 Years Twinned with Radlett (Parish of Aldenham)

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From 23rd to 27th September 2010 the 30 year anniversary of the twinning with Radlett (Parish of Aldenham) was celebrated in Lautertal.

On the 23rd September around 7:30 p.m. our guests arrived by coach from Frankfurt airport to a small open-air reception at the "Europa Platz" in Reichenbach.

Aufnahme: Johnny GloverAufnahme: Johnny Glover


On 25th September the official reception took place together with the opportunity of climbing the newly restored Tower of Ohly. Unfortunately the weather was rather bad with wind, rain and even fog so everyone was glad of the erected tent. After the welcoming fanfare of the local hunters' brass horn band, the obligatory round of speeches took place. Gifts were exchanged and then a very entertaining interpretation of the Saga of the Nibelungen was enacted by Jeanette Giese als "Brünhild". Three guests from Radlett were especially greeted and then the buffet was opened in the next tent. For those interested and able there was a short guided tour through the misty Sea of Rocks (Felsenmeer) by 2 Rangers who were able to explain several of the highlights also in English.

Foto: Glover
Foto: GloverFoto: GloverFoto: GloverFoto: GloverFoto: Glover

Foto: GloverFoto: Glover

Foto: GloverFoto: Glover


In the evening many of the guests, together with their hosts, visited the annual festivities of the "Sea of Rocks in Flames" ("Felsenmeer in Flammen") which, once dark, was a spectacular show of flames, light and laser beams combined with dramatical music echoing down the misted valley.

Foto: GloverFoto: Glover


Foto: GloverFoto: GloverFoto: Glover

Sunday, which began with a special thanksgiving service at the Protestant church in Reichenbach, proved, in great contrast to Saturday, to be warm and sunny.

After the service the recently planted lime tree in the market square opposite was ceremoniously watered with a bottle filled in Radlett. Finally lunch was taken at the restaurant "Zur Traube".

Foto: Glover
Mayor Jürgen Kaltwasser and Councillor Chris Wilkins in the old pillory


The last day of their stay in Lautertal turned out to be a further highlight of these celebrations with a seldomly given guided visit to the nearby ancient castle in Schönberg.

Foto: GloverFoto: Glover

In the wonderfully decorated castle refectory in front of the elaborate old stone stove breakfast was served.

Foto: Glover

After which a really excellent guided tour was provided by Christine Wachtel who, amongst other things, described the fascinating connection this castle has with the English royal family of today and of days gone by (see Castle Schönberg).

Foto: GloverFoto: Glover

After a pleasant walk around the wonderful gardens and a stop at the lime tree planted by Queen Victoria in 1887 it was time to leave. The coach first taking the guests to Frankfurt city and then the airport was already waiting.

Foto: GloverFoto: GloverFoto: GloverFoto: Glover

Report, photos and layout: Johnny Glover